Learning Resources

We have a range of resources to help our customers and visitors find out more about how we operate.

Educational resources

Don't swim in channels

We want children, families and members of our community to stay safe around irrigation channels in the GMW district. When the weather is hot many people look for a place to swim, but channels are not the place to cool off.

Swimming in channels is dangerous because they pose a range of hidden risks.

To learn more about channel safety and view resources such as posters and videos, visit our Don't swim in channels page.

Water glossary

We have developed a comprehensive Water glossary to help you understand commonly used abbreviations, terms and phrases. 


Carryover allows water entitlement holders to take their unused water  allocation from one irrigation season, into next season. 

More about carryover

Seasonal determinations

Seasonal determinations are an important part of water management in Victoria.

It is the percentage of allocation that is available to a water share – for example, if a customer owns 100ML of high reliability water shares (HRWS) and the seasonal determination is 50 per cent, they will receive 50ML to use or trade.

Seasonal determinations are updated regularly to take into account recent rainfall and inflows and ensure they are allocated to entitlement holders as early as possible.

For more information on seasonal determinations and outlooks, go to www.nvrm.net.au, opens in new window

Role of Traditional Owners

The Victorian Government has been working with Traditional Owners to improve their access to water and their involvement in water management.

Water is Life: Traditional Owner Access to Water Roadmap provides an important framework to create and maintain a careful and considered balance between Traditional Owner self-determination in water access and management, and the rights and entitlements of a range of stakeholders.

You can read  Water is Life and learn about what it means for different community members and groups on the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Aboriginal Water Program page, opens in new window.

Browse the web

There are a variety of educational resources available on the web, targeted at both adults and children.

Some of GMW's favourites include: